Album Info:


 Release dates for: Deth Red Sabaoth

June 22st (US&Canada)

 June 21th  (Europe)

Record Label: The End Records (US)

PRE-ORDER: Deth Red Sabaoth

List Price: 





Artist info:

Official Website:


 Official My Space:



US Tour This summer:




Deth Red Sabaoth


 In the past 15 years or so, GLENN DANZIG has had some less then memorable albums (with the exception of 2004's "CIRCLE OF SNAKES"), abandoning his traditional hard rock/doom sound and taking the attention off band members with synthesizers and a more electronic approach that has tarnished GLENN DANZIG'S career. For years, fans have been hoping for a reunion with the original line up or, at the very least, a "DANZIG" album that has the sound and consistency of  the first four releases. With "DETH RED SABAOTH", fans have gotten their wish. "DETH RED SABAOTH" is a welcome return to DANZIG'S signature sound that should have been released in place of  "BLACK ACID DEVIL". Eventhough the band members may be new, retrospect to the original line-up,  they have still managed to maintain the sound and style that were present on the first four DANZIG albums.



 The opening track, "HAMMER OF THE GODS", brings the listener back to almost a SAMHAIN period, with a chorus that will ring in your head, and proves to be a perfect introduction for "DETH RED SABAOTH".  DANZIG'S 9th studio album is a good mix between dark menacing songs, such as "BLACK CANDY ", and "NIGHT STAR HEL", and straight-up hard rock with "THE REVENGEFUL" and "DETH RED MOON", that rings like a "MOTHER" II. No DANZIG album would be complete without an eerie ballad, and "PYRE OF SOULS: INCANTICLE"  fits right in with creepy hymns and dark deep piano keys. Some tracks are forgettable, such as "ON A WICKED NIGHT", but "DETH RED SABAOTH" is a good listen from start to back.















   Since DANZIGS 1998 release, "SATANS CHILD", GLENN'S vocals have sounded very windy and raspy. But with "DETH RED SABAOTH", GLENN sounds refreshed, rehearsed, and strong; with his soulful, traditional howls that hold true to GLENN DANZIG'S early sound. Very few vocal effects are used, with the exception of a few dubs and even fewer vox distortions. GLENN DANZIG also has gone back to his blues style on such tracks as "JU JU BONE"; having a southern style, swamp-sound and listens like it had been left on the cutting room floor from "DANZIG II".


 "DETH RED SABAOTH" marks the first album that JOHNNY KELLY (Drummer for TYPE O NEGATIVE) has recorded with DANZIG, giving "DETH RED SABAOTH" a 1970’s JOHN BONHAM feel, and teamed once again with TOMMY VICTOR (Guitarist from PRONG) proves to be a dream team fit for the hallowed halls of hell.


 "DETH RED SABAOTH" starts off strong and finishes in that same fashion; the missing link between "DANZIG IV" and "BLACK ACID DEVIL". "DETH RED SABAOTH" has its flaws (mostly production related), but what album doesn't? Fans of the first four DANZIG albums are going to enjoy and appreciate "DETH RED SABAOTH", asking only one question, what took so long for a DANZIG album like "DETH RED SABAOTH" to be released?



Track Listing:

1. "Hammer of the Gods"

2. "The Revengeful"

3. "Rebel Spirits"

4. "Black Candy"

5. "On a Wicked Night"

6. "Deth Red Moon"

7. "Ju Ju Bone"

8. "Night Star Hell"

9. "Pyre of Souls: Incanticle"

10. "Pyre of Souls: Seasons of Pain"

11. "Left Hand Rise Above"

Review By: Brandon Marshall  


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